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This video shows a bit of what Rebel Bingo looks like. But it's hard to explain what it feels like. If you want to know what it feels like try turning your bedroom lights on and off as fast as you can, while listening to really loud music, and touching yourself. Or try doing a Sudoku puzzle on a rollercoaster, while touching yourself.

What is Rebel Bingo?
Rebel Bingo is a very intense and emotional style of bingo that was born in a little church hall in Farringdon way back in 2008. We're not quite sure how but things escalated quickly and it became a global revolution. We followed it wherever it led us and some pretty weird stuff happened, but it's been fun.
When we started out some members of the traditional bingo community didn't like us. They didn’t appreciate our fresh new approach to the game. Words were had. Disapproving looks were exchanged. Haters gonna hate, but they couldn't stop us.
We did not bow down to our oppressors and despite lame killjoys trying to steal our vibe, we travelled the world playing Rebel Bingo wherever people wanted us to go. We went to New York, Los Angeles, Ibiza, Las Vegas and Preston. Now bingo is everywhere. Call us pioneers. Call us hipster w@nkers. Call us what you like. We rose from the underworld, and changed the game forever.
The saga continues. Come play with us.

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This is where we make press statements. We currently have no statements.

To contact us please email rebels@rebelbingo.com